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No incoming audio...


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When IVM answers calls (I'm using a VOIP account) it does not detect any audio from the caller, including DTMF tones. So, for example, when a user tries to leave a voicemail, IVM hangs up and says there was no audio detected...


The thing is, I can't figure out what an earth is causing this problem. I've used the same VOIP settings in ExpressTalk, and this application has no problems detecting audio from callers, so I don't think the VOIP settings are the root of the problem.


Any ideas? Thanks a lot :)


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  • 4 weeks later...

I used to have this problem myself - I believe the answer for me was the SIP port setting and making sure the firewall has enough open ports above 8000 to cater to everything. I found that when I had axon, express talk and IVM running on the same SIP port as each other it would ring through, but it wouldn't have the vocal connectivity - maybe try giving different SIP port numbers a go, and make sure that all ports are opened up on any firewalls.

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