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Video mpg seen as audio


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Hi - I'm trying to load a vido mpg file but videopad always loads it as an audio file.  Anyway I can make it load as video?  It loads fine in MS Films and TV and Window media player.  Other video files created by the same software load into videopad fine too.  


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Let's see that specific file.

Sharing is easy:  just upload it to a free server, get a shareable (public) link and post that link here, or in a private message (click the folder at the top-right of this forum).

If you upload to Google Drive, be sure to click the "restricted" link and change that to "anyone can view."

Someone here will check it out.

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mikek wrote: 

Thanks for the clear suggestion


Hope I've got this right.

Thanks for your help.  I've one or two more like this... so I'll need to try to find out what's causing it.

How did you convert it please?


Various conversion utilities are available.  Try NCH PRISM, free to test.  Make the initial recording in different format, if possible.

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Your  video "No Highway in the sky" .mpg  of 1.27 GB downloaded OK to my PC and played fine  in VLC. ...


...and also WMP...


However when I tried to load this to VP (version 8.84)  the load bar stopped indexing the file around 1/3 of the way across although this was not related to the actual amount of clip processed....but oddly it also started creating an .avi file copy on the desktop next to the mpg. Never seen this before and no idea why it was doing this.  It never processed the mpg beyond this but the avi (1 min 30 secs long) did play partially in VLC but was stretched horizontally...



So no idea what is going on.:blink:  Might be a codec problem. Like Borate suggests try converting the mpg to another format as see what happens.




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