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Fast Fox deleting shortcuts


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I have found that Fast Fox has suddenly started deleting shortcuts at the end of the alphabet as I add a new one. Eg if I add a shortcut that begins with B then one at the end beginning with Y disappears. If I delete shortcuts then I can add more, but I seem to need to delete more than I can add. 

I read that there are supposed to be unlimited shortcuts allowed. May someone please explain what is happening. It is very annoying!

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It is a known issue where after having lots of shortcuts in FastFox, it will start deleting old shortcuts when creating new ones. At https://www.nch.com.au/fastfox/versions.html you can confirm the last Windows version was released on July 7th, 2015. We recommend reporting this issue through a support ticket at http://www.nch.com.au/support/index.html and also leave your feedback to our developers at  http://www.nch.com.au/suggestions/

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  • 9 months later...

I am now having this problem.  The OP was from 2015.  Has this issue not been resolved since then?  If so, how can I resolve the issue?  I would like to add I have to the latest version 2.35 and work on Window 10 Professional. I have also issued a support ticket, but I am hoping someone can help me quicker.  

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  • 3 years later...

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