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Linking Multiple Copper accounts together


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The company I work for have just purchased two Copper accounts and an Inventoria account. We have populated the Inventoria and linked it to both the Copper accounts for stock control. HOWEVER, as one copper is used at the front of house and the other at the back of house, we are unable to view the joint sales report for each day. How do you go about linking the two Coppers together so that when I select transaction reports, I can view all transactions within the day from both accounts instead of just the one I am using.

Thank you for your time.

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Inventoria is your server program, its stock levels are updated as per the transactions you make on Copper. Copper can only be set to be the client of one program at the time, this means that if Copper is set to be client of the server program Inventoria, it cannot be set as the client for another server Copper program. Client Copper connected to Inventoria as server cannot communicate between them. To connect different Copper programs, one Copper must be set as server and other Copper installations will connect to it as clients, but they won't be able to connect as client of Inventoria too.

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