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Controls on Staff picking from Item List and Discounts


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Hi Folks,

New user; moving off a competing product. I love the interface and ease of use. However I am having some difficulty figuring out how to ensure that staff can:

  1. ONLY pick items from the inventory managed in Inventoria
  2. Not create their own discounts as they wish

I rushed this through in about a day, so I may have missed something simple; but I have gone over a couple times before posting this. Is there a way to accomplish the two things above in Copper?


And finally, can I force copper to update from Inventoria on a schedule, like twice daily? without having a user go into a menu and click a button?



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Sadly Copper does not offer an option to limit the access based on profiles to ensure your staff would only pick items from the Inventoria inventory or that they wont be able to create their own discounts. On Copper all the user would be admins of the application installed on their computer's or profiles. The program does not offer either an option to automatically refresh the synchronization between the programs.

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  • 3 months later...

That's unfortunate, I really like this POS, was planning on convincing my clients on it tomorrow.. Not being able to limit users is going to create a problem, the POS would be used by hired help, if they are able to add and delete items willy nilly, its a siraz issue..


Is anything being done to address that oversight, It is a big deal, REALLY..



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