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Apply effects to several clips


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I'm new to Videopad ans started to play around with my first project to make sure it fills my needs


I want to apply the same effect to several clips (or sequences) at once,

e.g. selecting them, then applying the effect to all selected

or aplying same effect to all in a sequence or any other way...

or should I have to apply effect to each clip one by one (could be boring for exemple to "resize-to-19:9" or "color-correct" many hundreds clips!!)


Thanks in advance for your help



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As it stands at the moment you can't apply the same effect to multiple clips except one clip at a time. (Willing to be shot down on this though <_< )

The way around this is, once you you have finalised the editing of your Timeline, SAVE THE PROJECT.(It will enbale you to come back to it in the event you cock anything up)

Now, save your timelineas a Sequence by clicking the + sign that follows the "Sequence 1 x" This will save all the clips on the timeline as a single clip under the media list "Sequence" tab and also clear the timeline.

If you now load back the sequence onto the timeline you can apply an effect which will work on the whole of the timeline, that is to say all the clips at once.

If you want to apply different effects on different numbers of clips then you can do this as outlined above but by creating multiple Sequences of the different clips. Remember to save the project "as" with a different name each time in case of problems.



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I want to apply the same effect to several clips (or sequences) at once.

Or should I have to apply effect to each clip one by one (could be boring for example to "resize-to-19:9" or "color-correct" many hundreds clips!!)


Not quite what you have in mind, but experiment with this...

Select a clip that has effects, click the effects FX icon, then click FILE|SAVE EFFECTS CHAIN.


Now you can FX any other clip and FILE|LOAD EFFECTS CHAIN to apply the saved effect.

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  • 5 months later...



Using 4.10, I can apply an effect to multiple clips (e.g. Brightness), but can't see how to control the values that are applied. For my case, the brightness always reverts to 128, but I want to apply brightness ~90. How can I do that to multiple clips?

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Select multiple clips

Click the VIDEO EFFECTS icon in the toolbar



But, unfortunately, the settings for the effects aren't available with this method. (Soon)


In the interim, follow the procedures indicated in earlier posts to this thread and apply those settings to subsequent individual clips.

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