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Printing on one page


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I am trying to print my flow chart on one page, and I have my settings on "letter" and "landscape" and fit to view at the bottom, but when I print it, it prints really big (on 8 pages) and I would have to tape them together to get the full picture. How can I get it on one letter size piece of paper?


I am new at this....sorry.




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Hi Melodie,


"Fit to view" is only a display command that fits the entire diagram to the window.


ClickCharts generates new pages automatically - when a shape or line is placed outside any existing page, new page(s) will be generated so everything is printable.


Pages are indicated by solid gray lines, you can see them more clearly by hiding the snapping grid. Snapping grid can be show/hide by the small eye icon which located at the bottom of the application window, close to the zoom slider.


To restrict the diagram inside one page, you can just move everything into one page area, other pages will be removed automatically as there is no objects on them.


Hope this helps.




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