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NCH Tone Generator resolution


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  • 1 year later...




Goodmorning Sir !


I would like to suggest you and PLEASE YOU SO MUCH, to develop a Binaural Beats Generator very special than the ordinary free software that can easily find anywhere, applying some other function to make bocome Yor Binaural Beats Generator, THE BEST GENERATOR OF THE WORLD OF EVER AND EVER !!!!!


Please make :


A Sound Generator Double pad... To allow your generator to become stereo, to use it as Binaural-Tone-Generator... With independents frequencies, and indipendents channel wave-forms, sine-wave, triangular-wave, square-wave...


SWEEP FUNCTIONS: To allow the frequencies to move from any pre-estabilished point to any else estabilshed point ( by personal choice ) both channels indipendent, THE SWEEP MOVEMENT SHOULD MOVE IN LOGARITHMIC-PROPORTIONAL  STEP-MOVEMENT... START AT THE SAME TIME AND END AT THE SAME TIME with possibility to have diffrents sweep-movememts with also diffrents wave-forms; with sweep options of:


1): Loop to repeat the movement perpetually foreward... (start point frequencies to end frequencies, perpetually)


2): Loop go-and-back frequencies, automathical and perpetual... (up-and-down-...-up-and-down-...-up-and-down)


Sweep that start at the same time, for the two channel with the two totally diffrents frequencies (diffrents starts, diffrents endings, diffrents wave-forms), and same sweep-ending time for both two channels...


Time of sweep, from 0,01 seconds to 1000 seconds


ALTERNABILTY : an option that allow the programmed frequencies to an alternabilty of the two channels, like a perpetual SWINGING :


left-to-right...right-to-left , perpetually in automathic...


(Timing option for the swinging : from 0,01 second... extremely fast ! ...


The swinging should work to exchange the channel L-R...R-L, up to 50 times per-second...


And-or slow, to 1 exchange evry 20 seconds ... extremely slow...)


(swinging optability : channels commutations as a square wave-form, and, optability as a sine-wave-form, with double-central-zero-out ! ... NO-MIXING SIGNALS WHILE CHANNELS-COMMUTATION ! )


All the Sweep-options should be able to work also while swinging options are working too !




I am happy to suggesting you this ultraperfect machine's constructions parameters !


I surely think that You will be very willing-and-proud to realize it !




And you will be the one-and-the-first to realize it !


Thank You.....


Best wishes.....*(^_^)*


I am poor without money and without job... Please do it software for your self and for your community, and send me a free copy of this software to me.....


Thank you.

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  • 1 year later...

Hello, I need to test the equipment at 220.125 Hz and 220.124 Hz. Will NCH generator be able to output such frequencies?




I sent in a Feature Request Wish List Item about this as I have need for long-term tuning reliability out to millionths of a second.


What are you testing that need 1/1000 Hz resolution?

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Goodmorning Sir !


I would like to suggest you and PLEASE YOU SO MUCH, to develop a Binaural Beats Generator very special than the ordinary free software that can easily find anywhere, applying some other function to make bocome Yor Binaural Beats Generator, THE BEST GENERATOR OF THE WORLD OF EVER AND EVER !!!!!


Please make :


A Sound Generator Double pad... To allow your generator to become stereo, to use it as Binaural-Tone-Generator... With independents frequencies, and indipendents channel wave-forms, sine-wave, triangular-wave, square-wave...


SWEEP FUNCTIONS: To allow the frequencies to move from any pre-estabilished point to any else estabilshed point ( by personal choice ) both channels indipendent, THE SWEEP MOVEMENT SHOULD MOVE IN LOGARITHMIC-PROPORTIONAL STEP-MOVEMENT... START AT THE SAME TIME AND END AT THE SAME TIME with possibility to have diffrents sweep-movememts with also diffrents wave-forms; with sweep options of:


1): Loop to repeat the movement perpetually foreward... (start point frequencies to end frequencies, perpetually)


2): Loop go-and-back frequencies, automathical and perpetual... (up-and-down-...-up-and-down-...-up-and-down)


Sweep that start at the same time, for the two channel with the two totally diffrents frequencies (diffrents starts, diffrents endings, diffrents wave-forms), and same sweep-ending time for both two channels...


Time of sweep, from 0,01 seconds to 1000 seconds


ALTERNABILTY : an option that allow the programmed frequencies to an alternabilty of the two channels, like a perpetual SWINGING :


left-to-right...right-to-left , perpetually in automathic...


(Timing option for the swinging : from 0,01 second... extremely fast ! ...


The swinging should work to exchange the channel L-R...R-L, up to 50 times per-second...


And-or slow, to 1 exchange evry 20 seconds ... extremely slow...)


(swinging optability : channels commutations as a square wave-form, and, optability as a sine-wave-form, with double-central-zero-out ! ... NO-MIXING SIGNALS WHILE CHANNELS-COMMUTATION ! )


All the Sweep-options should be able to work also while swinging options are working too !




I am happy to suggesting you this ultraperfect machine's constructions parameters !


I surely think that You will be very willing-and-proud to realize it !




And you will be the one-and-the-first to realize it !


Thank You.....


Best wishes.....*( ^_^)*


I am poor without money and without job... Please do it software for your self and for your community, and send me a free copy of this software to me.....


Thank you.


You want this thing called Gnaural which is Free.

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  • 3 months later...

I sent in a Feature Request Wish List Item about this as I have need for long-term tuning reliability out to millionths of a second.


What are you testing that need 1/1000 Hz resolution?


Hello, I'd like to test the accuracy of a piano tuning device.

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