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A/V sync VideoPad mp4 to Flowplayer


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This is a statement. Perhaps someone will comment. I like VideoPad. (Slow XP computer.)


Saved Movie as mp4 will NOT audio-video sync in Flowplayer on my web page..

(This sync problem drove me nuts for a week until i found the Youtube trick.)


Saved Movie as iso, sent to Youtube downloads as mp4 that DOES sync in Flowplayer.


Saved Movie as mp4 converted to similar mp4 DOES sync in Flowplayer (I used Freemake Converter).


Here's the question: Any explanation why I must convert the mp4 to make it sync?


My movie has five video clips among 55 slides for a 20 minute lecture.

viewable at http://frontal-lobe.info/gca.htmll#video

And with WonderShare menus the end result is an excellent DVD.



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