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Connection Problem: Clear -> Linksys -> BW Server


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I have downloaded Broadwave and can stream successfully over my local home/office network. However, as with so many others here, I cannot come in through my assigned IP address to access the stream. MY HARDWARE SETUP: I recently switched from Time-Warner cable to Clear Wireless home modem. The Clear modem connects by Ethernet cable to my LinkSys N Wireless Router (WRT150N). The computer I intend to use as my Broadwave server (assuming I can get it working) is connected to the router by an Ethernet RJ-45 cable. The intended server is a Windows XP/SP3 system with a Pentium 4 2.8 Ghz processor, 512 M of RAM, and currently about 10 Gig free space. MY SOFTWARE SETUP: I use the Windows Firewall and have AVG 2011 Free Version Anti-virus installed, though the AV has no firewall.


I have attempted to follow ALL forum and other researched online instructions for getting BroadWave to "play nice" for external streaming. I could find some postings re: LinkSys WRT150N, but none specifically for the Clear WiMax Wireless Modem. However, I still get the message "Router configuration required ... " when I test after starting Broadwave.


Here's the double-frustrating part: PF Port Checker tells me IT CAN CONNECT to port 88 through my external IP! However, I cannot connect to the stream using that same address and, as mentioned, BW continually reports that I need to configure the router. To the very, very best of my knowledge I have correctly configured the WRT150N according to the Port Forward instructions to which NCH refers BW installers.


To save a bunch of "did you do this?", "did you do that?" questions, I tried to capture every relevant screenshot I could think of for the modem, router, and firewall. If you want to take a crack at this problem, you can view this screenshot collection at the following URL: http://www.webxceed.com/BroadwaveProblem_ExternalAccess.pdf


My BW trial period's about to expire - I would like to either link the stream on a web page to continue using BW free or purchase the product, only I can't get BW to work to create the functional external link.


Thanks for any help attempted, RS

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Hi there


I think the problem is that your PC ip LAN address is and your Wimax thing is and which is a total different network altogether so thats why it probably dont work.


Cheers Ian.S




Thanks for the reply. At least you did so ... :)


According to the Clear support person who helped me set it up, is a WiMax arbitrary address "alias" assigned to the LinkSys router for the purpose of passing all incoming port calls directly to the router to manage, so the WiMax modem can effectively "stay out of the way". I think the several WiMax configuration screens demonstrate that (or...10, I forget without looking), the router address, is the object of the assignment.


Now, that this scheme somehow is not working properly is another matter. I did try backing off the router aliasing and forwarding port 88 from the WiMax directly to (the computer hosting Broadwave), and it seemed to make no difference, so I set things back as they were.


For the record, I also temporarily completely disabled the WiMax modem firewall, too, counting on the LinkSys to keep things safe. That did not seem to work either.


I'm mystified. I would really like to get Broadwave to work. I just invested in WavePad Master and some other NCH product, so I'd like to stay with a single vendor. Seems like it should be a much easier process to complete. However, I guess when you have to juggle 3-5 sets of configuration information (modem, router, computer, firewall, software), it requires a row/column (setting/device) approach to get everything right.


If I ever DO get this sussed out, I'm NOT going to leave one of those classic quick-take, "Oh, OK, never mind. I figured it out," postings I keep seeing on various forums. I will lay out my settings in dreadfully complete detail, either in a post or in another online doc that can be linked and used and, hopefully, save as many headaches for others as I possibly can.



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You have to go into your Clear modem. It has a router in it that needs to be configured just as you configured your WRT. Open your WRT menu and find the Default Gateway. Open your internet browser and type the IP for the Default Gateway and this should open your router (a Motorola, right!) the password is not something I would like to give out on a public forum so I will email it to you so you know my email is f----loader@hotmail.com. Once inside you should be able to find the settings. As a last resort you may have to call CLEAR for help but chances are they will not give you the information I just did, for some reason they like to keep it under wraps even though it's YOUR modem.

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