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  1. A belated thanks to EIB. Unfortunately, the Score > Settings dialog box, while rich in features, doesn't address system margins. Currently, to change a system margin, one must right click on a staff, select System Margins, then right click on System Margins, where I change it from the system default of .55 inches on either side to 1 inch on either side. All well and good, but when I go to the next line, the margins revert to the system default. So I end up having to stop each time I go to a new line and change the system margins again. This recurs for each line on my score. It seems as if this is something that should be addressed as a default setting so my transcription process isn't interrupted each time I go to a new line.
  2. I wish to change the margins of all systems in my score. In a post in 2016, it was said "support for this will be added properly soon." I've been working this morning and it seems that I can still only change one system at a time. Anyone know can I change all systems in the score at the same time. Also anyone know how to set margins other than .55 on each side as the default for each new score? Thanks so much!
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