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S n C

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Posts posted by S n C

  1. 7 hours ago, ESP said:

    When I was testing the program I was able to increased the logo size and now is much smaller please help.

    I would like more control on the logo, I would like to be able to display my logo much bigger on my invoices and quotes.

    how can I do that.

    Thank you.   

    EA Option  ----> Page layout ---> Logo height (in.)


  2. On 10/28/2021 at 10:57 AM, Ahmad24 said:

    Owner's equity. Should I just make a general journal entry for that? If so, it doesn't show the amount in the equity section on the balance sheet


    The first bookkeeping that must be done when starting a business is to record a business capital journal.

    Of course, recording a business capital journal is for everyone. It is people who understand accounting who should do this task.

  3. 13 hours ago, pyz01 said:

    SnC - Excellent!  That works.  That is a good workaround since I do not use the description field for anything.  I can place the supplier name there and then export to Excel and it will give me what I want.  Thank you!  (PS -- I still think NCH should consider the report - but that is just my opinion). 

    You can easily catch what I have to say....of course you must have mastered some important excel formulas in managing csv journals that can be used for all data processing that is useful in developing your business.

  4. 2 hours ago, pyz01 said:

    Thanks -- but I tried that and it does not include any direct payments.  In many small businesses --  like mine -- we pay for many purchases with cash/direct payments.  If you look, this report only includes account payable transactions - which for a small business - may be very little.  Still hoping that the suggestion will be considered since it is a valuable report for a small business to know how much they have spend with any specific vendor/supplier.


    Direct Payment --->Journal Memo : write supplier as in pay to (copy paste supplier in pay to)

    Develop using excel formulas as desired (Journal CSV)


  5. 10 hours ago, pyz01 said:

    Yes- the export of information via the csv format works wonderfully.  The problem is - the information of how much is spent with each supplier is still not available.  The journal only records the account that was charged.  If you have several vendors who you buy from and the journal is for Cost of Good sold -- you can see how much was charged to the account in total -- but you cannot determine which vendor it was from since that information is not captured in the journal.  Elk's suggestion is best - this is a simple thing and should be included in the software - and therefore a suggestion has been made to the developers.  Realistically - this simplistic report should not be difficult to make.   To get the information now - requires you to record each purchase in Excel - which is what I was doing before I started using the software.   To me, (and I could be wrong) it is an essential report that should be included. 

    Tab Purchases......

    Select Reports Payments of Accounts Payable.....then save file format CSV

    Develop using excel formulas as desired

  6. On 9/17/2021 at 10:26 AM, Socratease said:

    I have exported my customer list as a csv file when I go to import transaction as the directions state it will not import the csv file "no selection has been made" "Please assign at least one header to the file"  What am I doing wrong???

    Format error or data conversion error in database. Try using the modernCSV app

  7. On 9/23/2021 at 4:41 PM, Sarika said:


    I wanted to know how can we undo a bank reconciliation which we have done previous month ago since we need to add new transaction or edit.

    Its saying:

    Bank statement date cannot be earlier than reconciled date

    Please if someone can help as it's very urgent.




    The last date of reconciliation cannot be changed, but the new statement balance will be change if there are additional transactions or edits

  8. 13 hours ago, Yestin said:

    Thank Fred for your reply.

    Even after clicking on edit, the balance field still remains restricted to edit. I have already enter many transaction in the accout. So deleting will not suit me.

    Anyway if I am unable then one adjustment entry will work but it will look weird on statement.






    Use notepad ++, usually I use this if there is a problem that cannot be solved .... I'll give an example later.

  9. 6 hours ago, DannR said:

    Great workaround!!, in any case, NCH Software formally takes suggestions or feedback about our products through the form at http://www.nch.com.au/suggestions/

    Could be nice to send this kind of feedback.

    I don't think so. This happened when I wanted to switch to busy accounting software, but Busywin 21 was told to change the regional settings. So from that I feel I have to make changes to EA as well.

  10. On 2/20/2021 at 12:01 AM, r2d2r01 said:

    Very bad simple expression parser.
    It appears you can set a constant value but cannot use or do reference to it in other expression simple, only a function (roundup, ..)
    A -> expr simple -> 1000 => OK
    B -> expr simple -> 500 => OK
    C -> expr simple -> A-B => KO -> unrecognized field ERROR
    C -> expr simple -> A-1 => KO -> unrecognized field ERROR
    C -> expr simple -> Field5-1 => OK due to type of field5


  11. Simple Expression: This allows user to perform arithmetic operations. The allowed operators are +, -, *, and / for addition, subtraction, multiplication and division respectively. E.g., Field1 + Field2 gives you sum of existing fields Field1 and Field2.

    I have problem the custom reports, especially on the Simple Expression type fields, which allow the user to perform arithmetic operations. In fact, the name of the field I made was very simple, without symbols or special characters
    Information that appears
     "Unable to substitute the expression. Unrecognized field name(s) detected

  12. On 4/1/2021 at 6:14 AM, ZipTech said:

    Is this possible?

    It seems the reports show the Sales Taxes Collected based on everything that you have invoiced.

    I wanted to know how to see only the Sales Taxes Collected total based on paid invoices only.


    This cannot be done, because the payment that has been received will reduce the receivables based on the issued invoice. Here you can only see the difference between taxes collected and taxes payable. It is possible to do it manually to find out with the help of Excel through a journal stored in a CSV file

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