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Gustav Trinkaus

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Novice (1/7)



  1. Well, that I did it right accidently (or caused by my unlimited wisdom .....)
  2. Hi Borate, many thanks for your suggestions. Well, hint # 1 didn't work alone, although I changed to MATCH MONITOR. In export I didn't find any possibility named A/R. But I followed your hint to switch to Letterbox for images/videos. Finally, when I exported the video I chose 1920 x 1080 - 1080p-HD. Before it was set on Customs. I cannot remember if this was set with all the many other videos I made before or if it was changed sometime accidently. But in the end - it worked ! The exported video is as it should be now. As always, small mistakes can have annoying effects. Many thanks again. Oh, by the way: the exported video now is only about 1/3rd in size than all the exported versions before (1.45 GB compared with 4.8 GB). best regards Gustav
  3. I have made a video with VP 7.24 as so many times before in "stretch" format, but for a hundred times it is always exported in "crop and zoom". Besides squeezed images and videos in the movie, most of the text is cut at the beginning and end. The video can bee seen here: https://1drv.ms/v/s!AshdRQuw07vVhkValE3Nw5KhUiIt?e=zxnqmY What goes probably wrong every time ?
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