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  1. Wait i have to pay more money just so the editor can do what i payed money for it to do? I paid for the registered version and it didn't say in a single part that there would be a fee just to make it work-is there any reason for me to not just cancel it? thanks for trying to help btw
  2. OK here it is https://drive.google.com/file/u/1/d/15DadKR-xXRH6rMgkfesXt3MwbAWhopDq/view?usp=drive_web Thanks so much for trying to help I really appreciate it
  3. When I preview my video on VideoPad it works just fine but when I try to upload it to youtube I just get a black screen with audio- please help I've tried all of the threads (or I don't understand them but I bought the registration and am really unhappy with it right now Thanks
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