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Everything posted by Fodermester

  1. Fodermester

    Combine CLips

    https://www.google.com/search?client=firefox-b-d&q=mixpad+wont+merge+clips#kpvalbx=_qN4bX_miLoeZkgW1vaJ419 This is a video on merging clips. Can anyone tell me why Mixpad clips just flashes red for a second and DON'T merge clips when I click on Merge Clips?
  2. Fodermester

    Combine CLips

    No one who knows how to export single tracks as wave files?
  3. Fodermester

    Combine CLips

    I have seen this link But it doesn't explain how to export SINGLE tracks. I assume I should select a track but when I do and export that track I only get the very first clip. Then I try to combine clips but I cant make that work. It wont combine anything... I figure I have to combine clips in the track before exporting but how do I do this? When I select all the clips and combine them screen flashes and the top bar on the clips becomes red for second and it does not combine. Which makes it impossible to export 50 clips in one track...
  4. Fodermester

    Combine CLips

    I only want to export tracks one at a time. But it only exports the very first clip or it want to export all clips in hundreds of seperate files. I can't combine clips and joining clips removes space between clips so the timing fcks up. I got multiple clips in each track. when I merge clips it flashes red an yellow and it doesnt seem to merge anything How can I export 8 tracks one at a time ending up with 8 tracks of exported wave files??
  5. Fodermester

    Combine CLips

    I spent hours trying to combine clips. I'm doing EXACTLY as the video says. There must be some pre requisites that has implicitly been assumed in the video because my combine button is inactive...
  6. Fodermester

    Combine CLips

    I couldnt login to this forum but Im RigPa Around 2:20 in this video https://www.google.com/search?q=mixpad+combine+clips&oq=mixpad+combine+clips&aqs=chrome..69i57j35i39j69i60l3.5159j0j4&sourceid=chrome&ie=UTF-8#kpvalbx=_1F0PX5G9MfKH1fAPj9WmwAE23 i just click on the top bar on the clips and when a number of clicks are marked up I cant click the Combine button. It is greyed out.
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