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Everything posted by Beau.Nydol

  1. Early results with the Beta version are very encouraging with two different projects showing no signs of the splitting issues. Many thanks for your help,
  2. This folder is a little larger than 2Gb but has the transition defects as previously described. https://1drv.ms/u/s!ApYAWFvyLydskAFVJEsyMGPWJYM-?e=qKSq0b This is the first time that I've used onedrive, so I hope this link works. Apologies for the appalling topic.
  3. Thanks for your reply The saved project size is over 12Gb which Zip seems to be incapable of handling. I shall try to create a smaller project exhibiting the same characteristics. This might take a while.
  4. Downloaded and installed V7.1.1, reloaded and exported - no change. However, now I notice that the interfering frame is only inserted when a video transition is applied. Insert any transition and the first frame is introduced at the start of each and every clip; remove the transition and the clip shows the correct frame. This is so consistent that I can't believe nobody else has suffered the same defect.
  5. This is an issue that I too am suffering from. To put it into my words; typically, I have a series of one hour long DV tapes to edit, of dreary family scenes so I split it every 10 seconds so that chunks can be deleted. However, during editing, the first frame is then interposed at each of the breaks. The thumbnail for each clip then maybe, or not, becomes the first frame of the tape. It can be removed by careful manipulation of the editing tools, but is very time consuming and irritating. I'm sure that the issue compounds itself with successive edits, that is, more of the clips become contaminated in time. I'm using Videopad V 7.0
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