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Ford Prefect

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Everything posted by Ford Prefect

  1. Are you talking about VideoPad? The current version of VideoPad is v7.11 If you are using Windows 10 you can use the 'Snipping Tool' to take a screenshot.
  2. Hi Guys, I'm new here so be gentle, this is my first thread. I am playing about with VP (v.7.11) and just at the moment learning how to do things. I have a video which I imported into VP and dragged it into the sequence/tracks/timeline area at the bottom. I then have added some bookmarks by right-clicking on the red timeline marker. Selecting 'Set Bookmark at Cursor...' then giving a name and colour to that bookmark and pressing OK. My question is: How do I navigate to a particular bookmark? It says within the online manual: - Navigating Bookmarks You can move the timeline position to match any created bookmark on a sequence by selecting the bookmark from Sequence -> Player -> Goto Bookmark... -> Bookmark-Name Bookmarks in this list will be ordered sequentially as they appear in the sequence. - But I do not find this very informative. I cannot see or get to this 'selecting the bookmark from Sequence -> Player -> Goto Bookmark... -> Bookmark-Name' It is probably very easy but...How do you do this? (Please show with screenshots if possible). Thanks
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