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Novice (1/7)



  1. I sit and think a lot and understand.. It was so easy to find it... The customers invoice was e.g. 100€ and you put as payment 105€. The software understands this and reminds you that you owe 5€ to customer.. The only think you can do is to make a payment of 5€ (that means you return to him 5€), but not applied (connected) to an invoice. Then the Balance will be zero Soooo simple
  2. I delete some payments and make them again and everything is OK now. I dont know which payments was faulty but it is solved now
  3. There is a difference in DUE (invoice list) and BALANCE DUE (Customer info). The customer's balance is 0.00euros but in the invoices list there is still 9.00euros due. How is that??? Really strange. How can I eliminate this balance?? http://prntscr.com/1o3yd6n http://prntscr.com/1o3z508
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