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Everything posted by Dangerfreak

  1. I'm not sure, but it might be the same problem that I have with version 16.x (older versions didn't have this issue as far as I know). I put some clips on the timeline, made some cuts and - that's important - changed the clip speed of some clips. After that, video and audio were completely out of sync in the preview (export works). The only thing you can do is to close the project, go to the Options -> Disk -> Clear Unused Cache Files. Then reload your project, video and audio should be in sync again. But there's a snag to it: After some more cuts, sync gets lost again... I'm still analyzing this problem, maybe it was just coincidence.
  2. Maybe it works to create a (shaky) video out of the pictures. After that, start a new videpad project and load the video. Add the deshaker effect to it and export it.
  3. Gute Neuigkeiten! Ich habe gerade eine Rückmeldung von NCH Software erhalten, dass der Fehler in der neuesten (Beta-)Version 13.61 behoben wurde. Diese gibt es bisher nur in englischer Sprache, kommt aber sicher auch bald in deutsch heraus.
  4. Hmmm, well I'm not an employee of NCH Software, but I think this is quite a usual way of the software industry to earn money. And if they publish quality products, they sure deserve it. However, you can still use the (full) version you purchased - or the limited, but free current version.
  5. The registration is valid for versions that were published up to half a year after your purchase. So you are right, the new version is the reason. If you want to go back to your old version, here is where you can find it: http://www.oldversiondownload.com/
  6. Hi borate, I don't think this is what HunterEdits wanted to say. If you click on any clip, the red cursor jumps to the beginning of this clip. This behavior is quite new and unfortunately really annoying. One example: I have a clip (video and audio) on track 1 and additionally a short audio clip on track 2, let's say it's a censor beep. First I search the position (in track 1) where the beep should be, then I click there to move the red cursor to it (=to mark it). Now I want to drag the audio in track 2 exactly to this position (=to the red cursor). But when I click on the clip in track 2, the red cursor jumps away (to the beginning of the audio clip in track 2) and so my marking is gone 😞.
  7. Ok, jetzt weiß ich wenigstens, was du mit "Momentaufnahme" meinst - mir ist dafür wirklich nur der Begriff "Screenshot/Snaphot" geläufig gewesen 😁😁 . Damit weiß ich auch nun, wo das Problem liegt. Ich habe die Funktion Snapshot schon sehr häufig verwendet und bisher nie ein Problem festgestellt. Ich arbeite ebenfalls größtenteils mit Full-HD (1920x1080) und gelegentlich mit 4k. Ich habe das ganze nachgestellt und konnte ebenfalls einen Versatz feststellen, manchmal nur ein Frame (=Bild), manchmal auch etwas mehr, entweder nach vorne oder hinten (beides ist möglich!). Der Fehler tritt nicht nur bei Full-HD, sondern auch bei anderen Video- oder Snapshot-Auflösungen auf, allerdings nicht immer. Auch ältere Versionen von Videopad haben diesen Fehler. Es liegt also nicht an dir, das ist wirklich ein Programmfehler, ich werde das mal an die Entwickler weiterleiten. Du kannst dir aktuell leider nur dadurch behelfen, dass du ein oder mehrere Einzelbilder vor- oder zurückgehst (bis es passt) und davon den Snapshot machst.
  8. So ganz verstehe ich es immernoch nicht... willst du damit sagen, dass das angezeigte Vorschaubild an der gewählten Cursorposition (rote senkrechte Linie) nicht richtig ist? Dass also an dieser Stelle des Video(clip)s eigentlich ein anderes Vorschaubild angezeigt werden müsste? Wenn dem so ist, dürfte es helfen, die Cache-Dateien zu löschen. Dazu wie folgt vorgehen: Videopad starten (Video nicht laden!), dann das Cache löschen: siehe Screenshot (ist zwar die englische Version, es sollte aber kein Problem sein, das zu übertragen). Danach das Video laden - ich hoffe, nun klappt wieder alles, wie es soll. Evtl. hast du auch eine Videopad-Version, die einen kleinen Fehler hat, beispielsweise hatten die frühen 13er-Versionen (etwa von 13.0-13.2) ein Problem mit dem Cache, in diesem Fall würde ein Update helfen. Welche Version verwendest du?
  9. Ich komme leider mit deiner Beschreibung nicht klar - was genau meinst du mit "Momentaufnahmen der Sequenz genau an der Cursorposition"? Was genau machst du, bzw. willst du erreichen? Und kannst du evtl. Screenshots machen, irgendwo hochladen und hier verlinken?
  10. I suggest to try different GPU Video Processor settings, see screenshot . "None (CPU only)" is slow, but reliable. The other setting (your graphic cards) is probably faster, but might have errors in the export (especially old graphic cards). Don't forget to restart videopad after changing settings.
  11. I suggest to try different GPU Video Processor settings, see screenshot . "None (CPU only)" is slow, but reliable. The other setting (your graphic cards) is probably faster, but might have errors in the export (especially old graphic cards). Don't forget to restart videopad after changing settings.
  12. It depends on the position of the red timeline bar (position). The new title is placed exactly there - if video track 1 already is occupied there, the title will be video track 2.
  13. Have a look at my screenshot , there you can see how to select the saving path and how to take the screenshot. I hope this helps 🙂 .
  14. My suggestion: Place your clips in sequence 1 and create a new sequence 2 after that. Then pull sequence 1 (from the bin) into the timeline of sequence 2. For videopad, it is "one clip" now and you can add the effects in the desired length.
  15. Why? Well, if it works for me but not for you, something is different on your computer. Usually the reason is some kind of security program...
  16. Works fine here... maybe the website is blocked by your firewall/antivirus software? Did you try another browser or computer? Or your smartphone?
  17. PS: Here is an example of my "personalized" videopad: see screenshot 😉
  18. Ok, I just sent this suggestion: "In the timeline, the audio waveform is hardly visible if a clip is selected (bad colors/contrast when highlighted). It even gets worse, if you select the audio clip/track itself. That's why I suggest to add an option to change colors or to make the highlighted color a darker grey. Currently, the colors are $6E6E6E (video clip selected) and $828282 (audio clip selected). I changed them to $101010 and $202020 and I think it looks much better."
  19. I agree, same here... maybe the developers can add an option to change the colors?
  20. Just to be sure: You get this error immediatly after clicking "reverse clip"? My weird suggestion: If Videopad complains about lossless export, let's turn it off and see what happens. Maybe it helps to first export your video (no reversed clips) without lossless quality ( see screenshot , select OFF or Auto Detect). After that, try reversing your clip/video. Any change? PS: Which version do you use?
  21. Äußerst merkwürdig - aber Hauptsache, es funktioniert 😁👍 !
  22. Note that a higher track number always is in front of the lower ones (overlay), so you only can see the highest track number. If you want to see the other tracks, you must add a video effect to the higher track numbers, e.g. "Tranparency" oder "Picture in picture" - see screenshot (Image 2).
  23. If it is slow, try changing the GPU Video Processor: see screenshot "None (CPU only)" is slowest (but reliable!), the other option(s) is your graphic card, which sure is faster. Note: If the exported video is corrupt with this setting (may happen for old graphic cards), change back to "None" before exporting. If it is still too slow, try "proxy editing" (see here).
  24. Merkwürdig... starte Videopad doch mal als Administrator (Rechtsklick auf das Symbol/Icon - "Als Administrator starten"), vielleicht wird die Registrierung dann gespeichert.
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