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Everything posted by borate

  1. Please install the latest release. For licensed users upgrades are free for up to six months from purchase date. After that, VP will continue to fully function but a fee will be required in order to register the newest. Retain your old install file and registration info. If the problem persists, the best way to analyze what's occurring is to see the project. Please share it - or a portion that has the issue. Someone will take a look and come up with a fix. The process is easy, quick and can be done privately. Just follow these steps... Back up --- With your project on the timeline, click on MENU at the top-left. Click FILE|BACK UP PROJECT FILES TO FOLDER. Choose a folder and SELECT FOLDER. Upload --- Use a free server - Google Drive, MS OneDrive, etc.* - to upload the saved, numbered FOLDER. Do NOT upload the individual VPJ or export file. Get link --- Get a public link. If using Google Drive click GET SHAREABLE LINK. If necessary change "restricted" to "anyone with the link can view" Share --- Click COPY LINK | DONE. Paste that link here, or click the folder at the top-right of this forum to message it privately to me. It won't be shared. * Before uploading, right-click the folder, click PROPERTIES. Look at the File Size to confirm that it's not too big for the free space on the server.
  2. Perhaps folks who post to LG 360 forums have a clue. Do a search. Then there's this, which may or may not prove helpful... https://gscs-b2c.lge.com/downloadFile?fileId=te2PCOoWL00k7fRxZBefzA
  3. Videopad capabilities... https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MAXN2l8GuVo (Note the first sentence.) Previewing 360 Media Either Sequence or clip preview. will have a toggle button available to switch between Flat and 360 views. While enabled you can click and drag within the preview to rate the direction of the view. Editing 360 Media Editing 360 media works the same as any other media. You can apply effects, such as black and white, but overlaying text and other images might not look correct. In this case, overlay a clip on a new track, and apply the Place in 360 effect. You should then be able to preview this by clicking and moving the preview. Saving 360 Media Saving 360 media works the same as saving normal media.
  4. Load the image onto track 1 and apply the BLUR effect Load the image onto track 2, immediately above track one Create the mask and UNcheck the Mask Inside box Add a TRANSPARENCY effect and set the Opacity and Feathering sliders as desired Click the Sequence tab or Display Dual Previews (via the OPTIONS | GENERAL tab) to see the result
  5. Use Wavepad. The normal release, unlicensed, is full-featured for a trial period. Click the Get It Free link for a scaled-down version. On the Wavepad toolbar, click OPEN and load your file Click the EDIT tab Click the SPLIT button on the toolbar Choose SPLIT INTO COMPONENT CHANNELS Choose the Right Channel tab from the three shown below the toolbar Click the FILE menu and Save As - to a folder of your choice Import that MONO file into Videopad
  6. What version of VP is being used? Try the latest. For licensed users upgrades are free for up to six months from purchase date. After that, VP will continue to fully function but a fee will be required in order to register the newest. Retain your old install file and registration info. While sync issues have cropped up from time to time. when documented they have been fixed. Let's take a look at yours... Please submit a file or two that has the issue. Someone will check it out. Upload the file/s to a free server, such as Google Drive or MS OneDrive, get a shared (public) link, copy the link and paste it here or to me in a Private Message via the mail envelope in the top-right corner of this forum. When using Google Drive, if necessary change "restricted" to "anyone with link can view."
  7. Thanks for sharing. The file downloaded at 22:24, as confirmed by Media Info... Earlier VP versions list it as 22:24; recent releases say it's 16:22, yet the final scene appears to be the same abbreviated content in both. In various media players, the end scene is different - three folks sitting on a couch, laughing. Another editor loads the file with a duration of 54:31 with video frozen at the 38-minute mark for the balance. At that point the scene matches what's shown in media players. So it appears that the file is in some manner non-standard, which isn't unheard of with VOB legacy material. Please leave your link live for several days and stay tuned to this thread for further analysis.
  8. It's easy to share, and folks here will be glad to check out what may be, perhaps, a bad file. Just follow the procedure in my last post.
  9. No need to repurchase. For licensed users upgrades are free for up to six months from purchase date. After that, VP will continue to fully function but a fee will be required in order to register the newest. If you have lost the install file, all release installers are available here. Grab the latest from within the six-month window and register it. If the registration has been lost, go here and click on the appropriate link. If problems arise come back here.
  10. Here are three ways to apply a global effect... 1. Select all clips (ctrl-A). Right-click on one of them. Program the ZOOM. then click the effect chain button on the toolbar... . The effect will be applied to all selected clips. 2. Simply export the project, re-import the result, apply the effect and export again. 3. Create a new, blank sequence by clicking the + sign to the right of sequence 1... Then, above the bin, top-left, click the Sequences tab... Right-click on sequence 1 and... Your project is pasted as a SINGLE clip. Now apply the ZOOM (or other effect). Export Sequence 2. Whatever changes you make, Save Project File AS routinely, giving it a unique # or name, so as not to overwrite prior saves. Using Save Project Files (no AS) will overwrite. From the HOME tab, that choice is available by clicking the chevron to the right of the Save Project button on the toolbar. Then you're protected and can revert if need be.
  11. Even more convenient for sync ... drop several tracks onto the timeline, right-click on one of the audio tracks and SYNC AUDIO. For camera switching, right-click in the preview window to see if clicking on PREVIEW MODE offers a MULTICAM MODE option. If this test feature is unavailable, reinstall Videopad - perhaps several times - and it may appear. No need to re-download. Position the cursor where a camera switch is to be made. Click ADD SWITCH. Check the box for the track for the camera track to be used from that point on... Do the same for each camera switch. Note that there's also a REMOVE SWITCH button. Or right-click on the switch . Here's an example of how the sequence might look. Video began with cam 2, then switched to 3, then back to 2, then to 1....
  12. Check out this post. That said, if the version that you are running once had beat marks, it can again. Reinstall it repeatedly and they should appear. No need to re-download. Look into the closely integrated WavePad. There are also standalone utilities that provide this function. File a suggestion with the company here.
  13. Have never seen a shortcut creation method. Suggest those that might be helpful and perhaps they can be incorporated in a future release. You can, however, customize the toolbar... Open OPTIONS | DISPLAY tab and check the "show custom tab" box At the top of the editor window click the Custom tab On the toolbar click on CUSTOMIZE Many choices
  14. Record_2022_08_08_12_24_17_620.mp4 Select the later clips by clicking the first, holding down <shift> and clicking the last. The drag them to the right, leaving a gap. Now the clip to the left can be sized and positioned without affecting the ones that follow. When done, close the gaps.
  15. 1. http://help.nchsoftware.com/help/en/videopad/mac/keyboardshortcuts.html 2 EFX box doesn't move here. But if you reposition it, then close it, it should stay at that position when another effect is programmed during the same session. 3. File a suggestion... https://www.nch.com.au/suggestions/ 4. Lock the tracks that aren't to be moved. If clips are linked A/V, then both elements will be locked. Clips can be multi-selected or grouped, to move in cadence. Sometimes a good approach is to open a gap around the clip to be changed, make the changes, then right-click in the gap and CLOSE GAP.
  16. No limit. Install this version. For licensed users upgrades are free for up to six months from purchase date. After that, VP will continue to fully function but a fee will be required in order to register the newest. Retain your old install file and registration info. If problems persist, please share the file here and someone will check it out. Upload it to a free server, such as Google Drive or MS OneDrive, get a shared (public) link, copy the link and paste it here or to me in a Private Message via the mail envelope in the top-right corner of this forum. When using Google Drive, if necessary change "restricted" to "anyone with link can view."
  17. VP is under constant improvement. Many updates are simply maintenance releases: a few new features, under-the-hood changes, etc. Occasionally something breaks, but is quickly fixed when spotted. It's wise to stick with your purchased release if it's doing a good job, and experiment with newer versions when nothing is pressing. Even when unlicensed, most features are 'live' during the trial, allowing users to experiment and see what's new or changed. A purchased version does not expire or require an update. And though there is a prompt at install when a update is beyond the grace period, a user may not realize that it is warning that it's been six months since purchase, and that their registration may not work with the new release.
  18. Humm, A "are you sure" warning has always appeared here. Contact the company. Tell them the story and no doubt they will refund. Then, if you desire, install the version that you licensed earlier - or the latest release that falls within the six-month free update window. If you have lost your code, NCH can supply that as well. Good luck!
  19. First of all, this forum is primarily peer support - folks just like yourself helping others. If there's a purchase or registration issue, the company will make it right. https://www.nchsoftware.com/videopad/support.html Choose the appropriate category and fill out the form. You can install most any old version from the archive site. What "weird" thing did you experience when you attempted the download and what version was it? While prompts may encourage an update, there is/was no mandate to repurchase or update. You should have been prompted to the effect 'do you really want to install the update because registration might not work.' This message appears when there's an update available after your six-month free update period expires. UNlicensed/unregistered releases have most of the functionality of licensed releases - at least for time. If mp4 export isn't available, AVI export may be.
  20. Do this - restart VP and before loading anything go to OPTIONS | DISK tab and Clear Unused Cache Files, then restart VP again and reload your project. Test the "None (CPU only)" setting. If that made no difference, did you install the version linked above? Are you using the default export settings? If not, what are the settings? There's no error log, AFAIK. If none of these measures works, check in again.
  21. You can always reinstall your purchased version - and it never expires. Your code will be good. Just download it from the archive site and install it. If you have a problem with that, mention the version # or the date that you purchased and a link will be provided.
  22. Looks normal here - audio and video. Try this... Go to OPTIONS | EDITING tab and in the Advanced area at the bottom choose... If that fails install this version. Still no joy? Come back here.
  23. Check this out... https://nch.invisionzone.com/topic/39629-restarted-to-a-new-version-that-blew-away-my-registration-codes/
  24. For licensed users upgrades are free for up to six months from purchase date. After that, VP will continue to fully function but a fee will be required in order to register the newest. There may be a prompt, but there's no mandate to update. If your version is working well stick with it; it doesn't expire and no additional fee is required. Newer releases can always be test driven, licensed or not. Just retain your old installer. If you don't have it, download from the archive here. If there's still a problem, get in touch with the company via the appropriate link here.
  25. First and always, Save Project File AS routinely, giving it a unique # or name, so as not to overwrite prior saves. Using Save Project Files (no AS) will overwrite. From the HOME tab, that choice is available by clicking the chevron to the right of the Save Project button on the toolbar. Then you're protected. Now install this version. If the issue persists, please share your project so others can analyze it. The process is easy, quick and can be done privately. Just follow these steps... Back up --- With your project on the timeline, click on MENU at the top-left. Click FILE|BACK UP PROJECT FILES TO FOLDER. Choose a folder and SELECT FOLDER. Upload --- Use a free server - Google Drive, MS OneDrive, etc.* - to upload the saved, numbered FOLDER. Do NOT upload the individual VPJ or export file. Get link --- Get a public link. If using Google Drive click GET SHAREABLE LINK. If necessary change "restricted" to "anyone with the link can view" Share --- Click COPY LINK | DONE. Paste that link here, or click the folder at the top-right of this forum to message it privately to me. It won't be shared. * Before uploading, right-click the folder, click PROPERTIES. Look at the File Size to confirm that it's not too big for the free space on the server.
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