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Everything posted by borate

  1. It's unclear exactly what you are attempting. Explain more fully step-by-step. If it's a separate audio track, not linked to the video, lay it down on audio track 1. Then add video on video track 1. If audio and video are linked, as with a typical video clip, and you don't want to affect the audio, UNlink them. Right-click either track and make that choice. Use the current release. For licensed users upgrades are free for up to six months from purchase date. After that, VP will continue to fully function but a fee will be required in order to register the newest. Retain your old install file and registration info.
  2. One way would be to open the file in MPC-BE, then click on FILE menu | Properties. Under the MediaInfo tab, look at the format and codec ID into. Here's your file...
  3. Here's some info on dash files. Do a Net search for more. One way to handle those files if they refuse to export is to convert them with MPC-BE, a free viewer. Open the file, click FILE | SAVE AS and choose the mp4 format. The result should export normally in VP. Does here.
  4. The file appears to be corrupt. VP exports as if it contains only audio; another editing program crashes. Various viewers display no video. The VPJ points to the wrong content, so it was ignored. Try creating/capturing next time with different settings or software. This file used the dash codec, which may be the problem. Try h264 instead.
  5. Nothing much during playback. Seeing some GPU action when re-encoding during editing and considerably higher numbers when exporting..
  6. CPU on the left, GPU at the right. v12.07 - 64 Record_2022_09_24_11_36_49_710.mp4
  7. An AMD thing?? File a bug report, and refer to this thread... https://www.nch.com.au/software/bug.html?software=VideoPad
  8. Thanks for sharing. The project appears to be somewhat different than your example - the bulk was blank, but for the logo at bottom-right, yet that shouldn't impact the test here. At your 2800kbps export quality, GPU activity was high, using 64-bit VP releases.... Version 11.73 2:04 Version 12.07 2:02 1:10 @ 29.97fps Have you tried the R9 370 GPU setting option?
  9. Upload the same project for analysis. As above, a short test showed no difference between 11.73 and 12.07. Under OPTIONS | EDITING, at the bottom, select the GPU instead of Default. Please list your PC's specs: GPU/CPU.
  10. Specifically, what does 'rendering' refer to? If 'export' - testing a 2:15, four-track project (3 MOVs and 1 blank clip)... 1080, 45fps, h264 with the default GPU setting... Version 11.73 (64), Version 12.07 (32), Version 12.07 (64) - all the same at :42.
  11. Using 12.07, here's a file with low audio where 'normalize external' has been disabled... With it enabled... Same file, which is ALREADY at optimal level. With 'normalize external' disabled... With it enabled... NCH is still optimizing this function, but it looks to be working well in this release. Can't comment on x265enc7.exe, as it's not seen here. Compare rendering speed results.
  12. If the version you have is working well for you, stick with it. It doesn't expire. While there may be a prompt, there is no mandate to update or repurchase. Updates are cost free for six-months from date of purchase. After that, newer versions can be test driven on a trial basis, to check out improvements or new features. Hang on to your purchased installer and registration info. And there's a free version (unlicensed) with limited features. NCH does offer a subscription, where the release stays relatively current. It's just 18 cents per day - paid quarterly... https://tinyurl.com/2nc3vswd
  13. Unlink audio from video by clicking in either track and choosing UNLINK... Expand the track with the slider at the right-bottom... Locate the peak and split it, front and end Right-click the newly split-out clip and MUTE AUDIO. Record_2022_09_18_15_04_57_119.mp4
  14. Resource monitor does not list x265enc3.exe. Mp4 runs on a thirty-second simple three-clip project exported In :21 for both encoders.
  15. x265enc3.exe is not listed in task manager. How much GPU is used varies with the content. Above, it was in the 80s. Project B averaged in the 30-40s. Project C came in at about 8 or 9.
  16. Appears so. This, on a 1.75-hour mp4 export at 1080, 24 fps. Record_2022_09_18_08_58_14_55.mp4
  17. Very good. Back up regularly, for protection. Save Project File AS, giving it a unique # or name, so as not to overwrite prior saves. Using Save Project Files (no AS) will overwrite. From the HOME tab, that choice is available by clicking the chevron to the right of the Save Project button on the toolbar. For very long projects, consider breaking them down into smaller exports, for later assembly. Good luck! Come back if problems arise; there are users willing to help.
  18. All is well here. With Videopad open, at the bottom-right of the Windows screen right-click the speaker icon and confirm that the Videopad volume is turned up. Windows 11 here... In Videopad, check that the volume sliders at the left of the audio tracks are at the far right... Make sure that the tracks or individual clips haven't been muted. The speaker icon to the left of audio tracks and those on the individual clips should not be displaying a RED X.
  19. Looks very acceptable at a custom 120 constant frame rate. But the issue is known and being looked into. The source contains an interlaced stream.
  20. To position and resize the cropped image use the SCALE or MOTION effect. Plan B: Simple text on track 2. Use the Text Background setting (set to black in the flower image)... The text box can also be positioned and scaled. Drag it, or use the sliders. The result - an image cropped at the bottom, with text beneath...
  21. Either the Motion or Scale effect can be used... They are definitely available though may not be grouped exactly like this, depending upon your version of Videopad.
  22. Try what was shown. CROP, then SCALE larger to fill the frame. If that doesn't work please upload the project, as above, and someone will offer a further suggestion.
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