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Status Replies posted by c_major

  1. Heya. Just wondering if anybody could help my issue. If you'd like to, just go to my profile. I just got 1 post so should be easy to find. Thanks,

    1. c_major


      Hi, please post your issue on the forum. I'm sure someone would be able to help. Cheers

  2. Hi C_Major, you seem to be the one to contact with this issue.

    I keep getting a freeze at the same point in my videopad version 5.01. when i export it.

    Ive tried exporting it in different format, and different resolutions. 

    I saw that youve said that if there is a gap beetween to files then thats the issue, but i dont have a gap beetween my files? 

    Can you please help me?

    Kind regards Casper


    1. c_major


      Hi Casper,

      This issue has been fixed. Please upgrade to the latest version.

      Best regards.

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