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  1. coonsanders


    hi i downloaded a trial version of wavepad and i was wondering where the declicker would be? coonsanders
  2. hi thought so.thanks. coonsanders
  3. hi fred i didnt see free on thi golden records download page...i saw it 4 the wave editer but not the golden records page.thanks lenny
  4. hi is there a totally free version of golden records that they offer or is it a free trial only?? lenny
  5. hi im trying to convert songs from this website but when i do the time of the song is very long...its longer than it should be.for example say the song is 4 minates the song will be saved as 6 minates.which takes up alot of room on a cd.it means instead of 20 songs ill only get say 9 songs.is there anything i can do?? thanks. lenny
  6. hi gang i just converted ram files to mp3 from a rite that uses real media.these songs were from 78 records and normally you can put 24 tunes of these type of records in mp3 format onto a cd.i have 18 tunes that should be able to fit onto a cd easily in mp3...but after i converted them to mp3 i could only get 13 tunes on the cd.the tracks are still a little to big for the cd.why? what am i doing wrong??thanks. coonsanders
  7. hi o ok thanks. lenny aka coonsanders
  8. hi i thought switch was free.....is it free to try or is the a truly free version?? coonsanders
  9. hi is it better to store song files prior to using swtich in your hard drive or desktop or documents?? coonsanders
  10. hi this question isnt a problem question but i was wondering where in new jersey i can purchase your products?thanks coonsanders
  11. hi is there a way to speed up the conversion process from ram files to mp3 files??thanks coonsanders
  12. hi i got everything working ok..is there a way to speed up the conversion process from ram to mp3??thanks. coonsanders
  13. hi gang im using switch to convert ram files to mp3 or rather im trying to convert them......im using xp and when i try to convert the ram files i get cannot open the files after i hit the convert button.any ideas?tanks coonsanders
  14. hi ive tried to download songs taken from old 78 records.these tunes were between 3 pr 4 minates per song.i used the switch to convert the songs to mp3 format.then i tried to burn these same tunes to a cd but the songs are between 6 and 7 minates long instead of 3 to 4 minates.so as a result im getting songs that take up more room on a cd with the result that i get less music on an 80 minate cd.usually ill be able to put 25 tunes on a cd with real mp3 files.now with these mp3 files i can only get 17 songs on a cd.whats wrong with this picture??thanks coonsanders ps im using windows 2000
  15. hi gang im trying to convert files to mp3 from a site called red hot jazz.they use real player.im not sure how to import the songs from that site into the converter so i can convert them to mp3 files.just 4 the record im using nero 6 to burn them.any ideas??tanks coonsanders ps im using windows 2000 pro
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