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  1. What would the actual command be? So I can look it up to use it. Thanks. Rob
  2. Hi, I am trying to run the switch program from a vbscript and it is not converting the file correctly. First I tested the command line script and it works perfectly when I run it from the dos command. E:\Switch\switch.exe -hide -convert "E:\sound\sound.mp3" -format M4A -outfolder "E:\sound\new" Next I put the command into a batch file and that worked there as well. Finally, I wrote a basic vbscript (below) and ran it in an ASP page and the file comes out as a mp3 versus the m4p <% set wshell = CreateObject("WScript.Shell") wshell.run "e:\vbscript.bat" set wshell = nothing %> Any help or advise would be great. Thanks
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