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Everything posted by Crab

  1. I want to do a paycard server, but such systems should be select several languages prompts (such as English, Chinese, French ,and so on), but now I can only do one language prompts, according to the manual of IVM : "Advanced Option. If you need two sets of prompts (for example one English and another French) create a copy of the System Prompts folder (C:\Documents and Settings\All Users\Application Data\NCH Swift Sound\IVM\System Prompts) somewhere else on your harddrive. For example (C:\Documents and Settings\All Users\Application Data\NCH Swift Sound\IVM\French Prompts). Then at any point during the call to 'switch on' french call use the variable SystemPromptsFolder. In the Advanced tab of OGM Properties in the "Set local call variable" field enter 'SystemPromptsFolder=C:\Documents and Settings\All Users\Application Data\NCH Swift Sound\IVM\French Prompts'." I had done under the above, but also only one language all the same, do not know what methods can choose three presentation language? please help and reply! thank you! exigent.... Crab
  2. I had a Issue ,I used a version IVM 3.05 , I want to make a system for Recharge, but,I should not make two kind of langeuages for my customers select these language, please help
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