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  1. amalsp

    Capture numbers

    Thanks. i found that out quite by accident. I set a global variable and captured that variable after the OGm. It was writing the global variable. Apperently the log file is written before the OGM and the capture of the key strokes. Thanks for your suggestion. Will try that out.
  2. amalsp

    Capture numbers

    Hi, i am trying to configure IVM to capture some numbers and store them to a text file. The OGM reads out some instructions and the user has to enter the number which will be recorded in the text file. In the Key response i have ticked "Data Entry (Variable)"--> variable name "no" --> length 4. In the advanced tab I have ticked "add entry to special log' and given the file name as "D:\number.txt" and the log line as "%date%,%time%,%linename%,%cid%,%no%" In the IVm main window the variable no = 2222 is shown but in the text file only 2007-12-06,14:58:03,PCI SoftV92 Modem #2,Unknown, is shown. What am I doing wrong? Please help. Amal
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