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hammered's Achievements


Novice (1/7)



  1. How do I delete markers once I have put them on the score: i.e. Coda, Segno, etc.
  2. How do I add a Coda and the Coda sign. How do I add a Segno to the score?
  3. How do I create a score that has 4 systems of single Treble clef staves and 4 systems of 2 Treble clef staves beamed together?
  4. I am new to Crescendo. How do I change my 2 page song to a one page song?
  5. I just purchased Crescendo. My previous notation program transposed the chord symbols along with the notes. I just tried this with Crescendo. Crescendo did not transpose the Chord symbols. How do I do this?
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