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  1. I have had problems with Autoformat ding odd things with spacing if it is used on very uneven spacing as is the case when I first enter a score. I have found the Score drop-down menu entry for Layout to be much better, I usually opt for 4 bars per line then let Autoformat deal with minor spacing corrections after I do any editing. For image attachments it would appear that you are forced into using something like DropBox or GoogleDrive and just providing a link.
  2. Can this not be achieved by entering all the notes as normal (beamed into groups of 4), then selecting the THIRD note and right clicking for the context menu, select "Beams" and "Break Primary Beam", that gives me two beamed pairs - reconnecting them is more fun!
  3. Looking at the image, you have inserted the first four notes with "Automatic Beam Mode" OFF, the final four notes have this option ON? Select the second note of a pair you want to "tie together" and, using the right mouse button to show the context menu, select "Beams", "Automatic Beam", that will connect the selected note to the previous one with a beam.
  4. 1. If I have read the first question correctly, you want a section of music to play twice? If so, the final barline of the bit to be repeated can be selected and swapped for the double barline with two dots to its left - that repeats from the beginning OR, the context menu that appears when selecting the barline gives options (hidden in "Markers") such as "Dal Segno" to repeat from a previously inserted segno mark. 2. I think you are referring to the option to play at a multiple of the given tempo - set the 'clock' to 50% and music will play at half-speed.
  5. In Crescendo's very top menu bar is "Score", its drop-down list includes "Layout...". Select this and a dialogue box gives the option of setting maximum measures per bar - setting that to 4 works for me to produce what I think you are after 😊
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