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Conformed Audio Files From Adobe Premiere

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Recently, I deleted important video files from my hard drive. No recovery program seems to work. I did however take the rendered previews to recover all of the video from the project and pieced it together. However, the sound renders are sent to another folder as conformed files. PEK or CFA. None of about 5 or 6 sound and as many video or DVD authoring programs will open/play these files. Anyone have any ideas? I downloaded a program Switch which translates audio but it didn't work either. :(

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  • 4 months later...

I had the same problem.


If you rename the cfa file to wav, you can open it in cool edit pro2. It's not without it's problems though. You must specify that it is 32 bit (float) and make sure you give the correct sample rate (normally 48000).


Then when it opens, you'll notice that the file will play a bit, and then repeat the same section. It will do this over and over until the end.


It's kind of like a 1 - 2 - 1 - 2 type thing. You have to edit all the 1s together and then all the 2s together so you have two versions of the audio file sounding correct.


When you have these two files, you will have to halve their speeds, and mix them together, with the 2 section being one sample behind the 1 section. This should give you your original audio in the correct sample rate.


bit of fiddling... hope it helps. Premiere Pro really sucks i think BTW.

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  • 4 months later...

Hi, great thanks for this tip.

Actually, I would import the file in mono mode. Therefore, you have:

left_1; right_1; left_2; right_2; ...; left_n; right_n.

And if you listen to this sound, it's the right rate. :D

In my case, I have noticed each chunk is 65536 (2^16) samples long.

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