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Can't figure out how to add a scrolling text to the video


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Hello. Not sure what I'm doing wrong but I can't add any text to my videos.


1) Open -> I select the video -> video appears on video files

2) Add text -> scrolling right to left -> opens up the text window where I can write the text I want and I can edit colors / size / etc. I click on the X and the text will appear under "images" tab.

Now what I have to do in order to join the video and the text ??? I want to have the scrolling text overlaying the video...

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You have the main track - track one.

Drag your text clip to the track above - track 2 - at the position desired. 

Or position the scrubber (red line) where you want text to begin, then right-click the clip in the bin and Overlay Sequence at Cursor.

The text clip can be shortened or lengthened by dragging its starting or ending border.

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  • Add the main video clip to the timeline. It should be Video track 1.
  • Move timeline cursor to desired position where your text is to appear
  • Click Add Text on the toolbar and select your scrolling option. e.g. Scrolling Left to Right. **
  • The Text Editor window will appear indicating it will scroll Left to right.
  • Click the desired height position (Top Middle or Bottom). Set Text colour/size/Font etc.
  • Swipe the default text "Title text" and type in your own text line. You should see your text in the thumbnails under the preview window and the text image in the image bin and also the text clip placed at the timeline cursor position.
  • Close the Text editor and play the clip.
  • The text should now scroll in from Left to right at the selected height. Adjust the duration by dragging the clip ends in or out.

 ** The scrolling options also appear in the Text Editor for simple text

If you still don't see it scroll there is a problem.

You could also try a simple text with no scrolling and then (provided it appears as an overlay) use the Position effect to scroll it.


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