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Motion/Scale effects not rendering properly


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I've been using VideoPad for several generations of this software, but I have run into a new problem. I am trying to scale up a shot in a video, and then use keyframes to counteract a kind of sloppy tilt and pan we did while filming. At first everything seems to work, I scale up to 125%, move the image over a little, and up a little, then move it back as the camera motion occurs to keep the subject in the center (a car in this instance). The entire shot is about 30 seconds.

Editing the effects in the clip preview everything works properly, and I end up with a keyframe every few seconds to keep it all looking good. The problem comes when I look at the sequence preview. The effects aren't there at all. I understand it takes a while for the preview to buffer sometimes, but even when I output it and it is fully rendered it fails to apply the scaling and panning I worked so hard to do.

Any ideas?

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Have you tried to Stabilise the clip instead of moving the frame to keep the subject still. You can eliminate any borders with crop if they are larger than the effect settings. If this doesn't work upload the clip to dropbox or similar hosting site along with the vpj file and someone will take a look.


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I also just realized this clip is also running in reverse (on purpose) so is it possible that I am just asking way too much at once from this program?

I have not tried to stabilize it. It is not actually shaky, but there are 2 or 3 pan/tilt motions that are less than smooth that I am trying to correct.

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That is sort of what I thought. But I was thinking of opening a new project, doing all the effects on the clip. Exporting it... then adding it back into the project I am working on.

This is the first shot of a 3 minute video which has a bunch of track and overlay and I would rather play with the clip without any risk of messing up this project.

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That's the idea.  If theres' to be a global effect, such as reverse of the entire clip, it may be best to apply it later.  When exporting a timeline sequence, all the material becomes a clip.  The initial discrete clips can no longer be isolated from that export, so save your project incrementally.

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But getting back to the original point, this is just a glitch of some sort right?

I am not going to export the whole thing. I am going to start a new project with just this clip, effectivize it, then export it and then re-introduce it to the project I need it in

I know how the program works, I have been using it for years but have never encountered something like this before.

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But getting back to the original point, this is just a glitch of some sort right?

No way for others to discern the problem unless you share the project, as Nat suggests.

Here's how...

1.  Save your project.  Then, with it on the timeline, click the FILE menu. SAVE PORTABLE PROJECT AS to any convenient folder.

2.  Open the folder that contains the saved files and ZIP them all.

3.  Upload the zip file to DropBox, Google Drive, MS OneDrive or the like.  It's free.

4.  Make the uploaded file public (share it) and copy the shared link.

5.  Paste the link into this forum.


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