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Copy Text Items, separate text


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HI.  I am trying to divide a video into sections.  I add a text effect to the timeline, and then format it how I want.

I then want to use that text effect as a "chapter template" and so I copy and paste the effect on the timeline to other places in the video

Unfortunately, when I change the text for one of theses objects, the change applies to all of them.  They seem to be linked despite the copy/paste.

Is there any way to duplicate text objects so that they are independent from the others?

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If I understand correctly you would seem to be using the same text image for each of your templates. This means if you change the text on this image then all the clips on the timeline using this image will reflect this change. (even though you copied/pasted or used the text editor from the clip preview window). If the text is different for each chapter you will need to create a new image for each one. 

This migh sound a bit of a phaff but the last text entered comes up as the default so might entail minimum alteration. You won't need to add all the effects again...........

If you have added an effect or group of effects to the first text using the FX tab on the timeline to create your template and you want to retain these then you can save those effects as a New effect by creating an Effect Template. 

Once you have completed your effect on the first text image ( e.g.Position/Rotation/Scale etc.) click the Blue Floppy cassette button and give it a name. Your new effect will now appear under the Template heading in the effects page. You can now create another text and add this new effect to it.


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