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Help on how to enter a customer payment made to a supplier through our group.


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Help needed, please. I am a small sporting group organiser. I am trying to work out the following scenario for entry. The Club uses a facility for sports practice and our individual members may also book/use the facility for their personal use. The facility manager requires that it be done through us and that we collect the hire fees and pay by bank transfer to them. So, all is going through our books as well as theirs. I need to be able to record the debt to the facility, as well as the payment to us by the user to pay to the facility and the payment to the facility. I have created an item for "Individual Facility Hire" to distinguish this apart from our Club use (if I need to use that for invoicing). I have categories in my chart of accounts for "Facility Hire by Individuals" under Income and another under Liabilities. Should that be under expenses? 

How do I go about recording the process? This is what I thought, I am assuming I must first create an account payable by the Club to the supplier (the Facility). When the individual hirer pays to our account I record their payment but don't allocate it as their is no invoice from us. How do I link their payment to the purchase from the supplier? Obviously the unallocated payment needs to be applied to something (being an invoice from us)

Is it simply a matter of us creating an invoice for the hire and recording that payment from the user, then paying the facility and recording that expense.



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