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Unsmooth between Video Clips


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I just bought a couple of weeks ago the VideoPad.

I like it very much but I have some questions.

1) When I insert some Video Clip into the timeline, I need to shorten the Clips. Currently I'm using the Clip Preview to do so. If the portion of the clip I need to use doesn't start at the very beginning of the clip, I face an unsmooth switch between clips. Meaning that when the playhead is passing from the provious clip to the next I don't see smoothly on the project preview window. I tried to insert a very short transition (0.1 sec) between them and the result is much smoother. Why?

2) When the playhead is passing from a clip to the next, sometimes the system need to calculate something (effects usually) This happens too often even if my PC is i7 with 16GB RAM. What is the best way to avoid such a problem without having to create a rendering to check if everything is OK? At the moment I'm working on a video with all Clip in MP4 1080p with a single MP3 audio track and single Video track.

3) Last question is where I can set the snap to the start/end of a clip while moving the playhead.

Many thanks for your support.

Best regards


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Where I can set the snap to the start/end of a clip while moving the playhead?

Not certain this answers your query, but there are two arrows under the preview window   ||<  and >||  that will snap to the beginning or end of a clip.

As to smoothness of presentation, check this out.

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"Meaning that when the playhead is passing from the provious clip to the next I don't see smoothly on the project preview window. I tried to insert a very short transition (0.1 sec) between them and the result is much smoother. Why? "

If you are using the Clip preview to edit  and have used the IN marker to shorten the clip followed by the "Place" tab to move it to the end of the timeline,  the join between the timeline and the newly added clip should be instant as this method will not leave a gap. If the action on the two clips is similar,  perhaps moving in different directions, playing over the join can make it appear to appear to jump. Adding a short crossfade can make this look smoother.

In some cases where a large chunk at the start of clip2 has been blanked off  there may be a detectable delay whilst, I guess  VP calculates the new start position.

Try this as an alternative...

  • Place your edited clip (Clip 2) on Video track 2 (The overlay track)
  • Drag it back a little so it just overlaps the last clip on Video Track 1 (Clip 1)
  • Play the timeline. You should see an instant change from Clip 1 to Clip2. This should look exactly like the change mentioned above using the "Place" tab.


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Thanks for the info.

I found that on MAC, I have the Preferences/Export Use External H264 Video Compressor Flag.

On PC (I have bought both versions of VideoPad), this flag in Tool/Options is not available.

Is it correct?

Next Question is about unsmooth Rendering.

Even if my PC is an i7 Quad Core with 16GB RAM, the Rendering on complex Sequence is not smooth.

I'm working on a Video for a Song (with my Band we are near close to complete our of Concept Album), It contains many Clips (Most of them bought on VideoStock.com in MP4 H.264 Format 16:9 1080p. On top of those Clips I have of course Effects on some Clips and Transitions between them. I can accept that the Preview is not smooth and some calculation need to be done passing from one Clip to the Next.

But on Rendering I expect to have a perfectly smooth Output and perfectly sync with Audio Track. It was OK till two days ago, when I added more Clips at the end, some Effect and Transitions. Now it is no more smooth.

Do you think that the setting Software Rendering instead of OpenGL Rendering can produce any positive effect on this problem?

Any suggestion is welcome.

Please let me know.

Many thanks.

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