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Hesitation when recording starts - ED 5.66 for Windows


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When I press record to start dictating, there is about a 1-2 second delay before my voice is picked up. This doesn't sound like a lot, but I'm getting reports back where the typist can't get the first word. I'm trying to delay my thoughts and words to ensure that all words are caught. But, isn't there something wrong? Is there a setting I need to adjust so that recording starts exactly when I hit "record". Thanks in advance. BC

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You may want to check if under Options or Preferences > Audio you have the Voice activation option selected. If that is the case then you may have the sensor activation level too high and the program takes a little longer to recognize your voice and start recording. In the event that this option is not selected then it may be an issue with the computer settings for the microphone. For example Mac computers turn off the mic/headphones if there is no signal after a few seconds, that makes the computer and program to take a couple of seconds to reactivate it and start recording. You may also want to try downloading the latest version of the software from our website and test again.

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Thank you: Yes, I have voice activation on and the sensor activation level is at -8db. I also note my record level is at -25db... Those number are meaningless to me... I can't tell if they are hi, low or in between. Are there optimal or recommended ranges? I'm in a quiet room, alone when I record, using a pretty good quality SpeechWare 3-in-1 table mike. BTW, I did just download the latest v 5.93... Thanks again:

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Regarding record volume level:

The help section does not explain the effect of sliding the level to the right (more green showing). What is the effect of moving record volume level to the right? Does this make my voice louder to the typist? How does this interact with voice activation level? I have already adjusted the voice activation to more sensitive (to the right). I'm trying to eliminate the hesitation at the front of recording sessions. Thanks in advance.

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