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Split categories: How?


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  • 3 weeks later...

With help from Tech Support, here's the answer: (if this were in HELP, much frustration and wasted time could have been prevented.) Let's say you write a check to XYZ Co. for $6.00: $3.00 to category A, $2.00 to category B, and $1.00 to category C. Start with entering a transaction for the $6.00 total categorized in any of the categories. Let's use "A." Once entered, right click on the line entry in the register and select "Split Transaction" from the list (about half-way down.) So now you can see that elusive "ADD" button, upper left in the box that appears. The first line will show category A, $6.00. Change the amount on that line to $3.00 and enter note, if any. Then click the ADD button. A second line appears. Enter category B, $2.00. Repeat, clicking ADD, entering category C, $1.00. Then click OK. If the sum of your splits doesn't add up to the original amount first entered in the registry, you will be scolded and need to fix it. The single line appearing in the register will now show the $6.00 total categorized as "split." To edit your splits, right click on the transaction as before.

I certainly hope this helps! Judy A

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