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overlay a animated gif


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Although you can add a .gif image to the sequence line OK, an animated .gif file will not play. Only the first frame of the animation with be shown.

However you can easily convert the animation to an .avi file which should load and play.

Try Beneton's Movie GIF program whch should do the conversion.






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Although you can add a .gif image to the sequence line OK, an animated .gif file will not play. Only the first frame of the animation with be shown.

However you can easily convert the animation to an .avi file which should load and play.

Try Beneton's Movie GIF program whch should do the conversion.







when i save it with transparent background it ends up with a green background

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Not an expert (whatever it might say :) ) but if you are refering to the gif-avi conversion, I think having a transparent BG in you gif may have confused the issue somewhat.

For a test, I have just added a gif with a transparent BG (a filled red circle on a clear BG) to the VP main sequence. The BG came out black. :mellow:


I then used the same .gif as an overlay, both against a white frame and a black frame. Each time is appeared with an opaque black BG. This would seem to suggest that adding transparent .gif files to VP will simply render their transparent bits black.


I should add that it was a bit of an experiment as I never use transparent gifs in my videos. I have converted animated gifs to avis with the program I mentioned and they have worked, but I have no idea where the green came from.


If the converted avi animation now simply has a green BG it might be worth try to render it transparent with the VP chroma option if, indeed this is what you are wanting.You would have to place it on the overlay track. Then.....


Click the overlay. Click the BG to select that green colour which should now become a B/W chess board. Click the colour square and select white. Click OK.Slide Background to 0 and foreground to 100.Click OK.


As another test,and doing the these actions, the gif mentioned above (appearing as black rectangle with a filled red circle in VP) was added as a full sized overlay image over a normal video clip placed on the sequence track. By setting the BG chroma of the overlay gif to white it was rendered invisible in the sequence. The result appeared as a red circle on top of the video with no trace of the black BG.



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