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Cactyys Totem

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Novice (1/7)



  1. I have trying to get this working for 5 days. Nothing is posting to the General Ledger. I just made some sample Journal Entries and they are not even showing up in the Journal. On the main page that shows Your cash accounts, accounts receivables, income and loss are not working except for cash. Income is only working when you make a new Journal Entry for cash but don't include the balance in the Chart of accounts. Example: I have 37.50 as a starting balance for sales and if I post a 100.00 sale it only shows the 100.00 and not the 37.50 for a total of 137.50.
  2. Why when i make Journal Entries manually it doesn't post to the Income statement, but when I look at the Chart of Accounts the balances are reflected correctly from the Journal Entries? What am I doing wrong. All I have done is set up chart of accounts with 100% accounts I use for my business with the old balances from my old accounting system and then started making Journal Entries. Was their a process or step I've missed that I should have done.
  3. What is the Default Link Account used for when setting up accounts in the Chart of Accounts?
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