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Ford Prefect

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Novice (1/7)



  1. Are you talking about VideoPad? The current version of VideoPad is v7.11 If you are using Windows 10 you can use the 'Snipping Tool' to take a screenshot.
  2. Hi Guys, I'm new here so be gentle, this is my first thread. I am playing about with VP (v.7.11) and just at the moment learning how to do things. I have a video which I imported into VP and dragged it into the sequence/tracks/timeline area at the bottom. I then have added some bookmarks by right-clicking on the red timeline marker. Selecting 'Set Bookmark at Cursor...' then giving a name and colour to that bookmark and pressing OK. My question is: How do I navigate to a particular bookmark? It says within the online manual: - Navigating Bookmarks You can move the timeline position to match any created bookmark on a sequence by selecting the bookmark from Sequence -> Player -> Goto Bookmark... -> Bookmark-Name Bookmarks in this list will be ordered sequentially as they appear in the sequence. - But I do not find this very informative. I cannot see or get to this 'selecting the bookmark from Sequence -> Player -> Goto Bookmark... -> Bookmark-Name' It is probably very easy but...How do you do this? (Please show with screenshots if possible). Thanks
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