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Everything posted by eileencaks

  1. tiene que tener mucha paciencia cuando trata de syncronizar y le sale que el locatio no esta definido son unos programas que con el tiempo si aprende a trabajrlos son muy buenos por el precio pero te dan un dolor de cabeza cuando no quieren sync que verdaderamnte deben pensarlo dos veces antes de invertir el tiempo entrando todo un nventario en el.
  2. HiI was using the copper demo and I get the account express licensed when I install the licensed software I delete my demo software by mistake, I lost my 6 month transaction and and taxes recollected I found al the transaction on word pad so I need to re-enter all the transaction back to my computer but I cant change the date so I could keep the transaction track and could put everything back but is not letting me please if somebody knows how I could bring everything back to the software I will appreciate, tks for the attention
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