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Novice (1/7)



  1. Hello, I am trying to set up Express Scribe with the Microsoft Speech to text engine in Windows 8.1 I went to Options > Speech To Text, selected the Windows engine, selected a default profile and then hit add to add a profile. From the drop down menu I selected a profile and left User Id at value 0. After I clicked OK, the profile name does not show up in the user specific profile list, only the user id. So I can see the 0 in the user ID column, but nothing in the profile name column. When I try to hit ok on the text to speech option dialog box I get the error "invalid profile for user0" Loading an audio file and trying to automatically transscribe, doesn't generate any text. How can I get a working configuration so that I can load an mp3 and let Express Scribe transscribe it? Thank you!
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