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How to crop out certain parts of a video


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Version 4.00...


Assuming that you have your video on the timeline.

Move the red cursor bar (or play the preview) to the start point of the deletion.

Underneath the preview window to the right is a button with an icon on it that looks like two batteries side by side.

This is the "Split all tracks at the cursor position" button. Certain splitting options are acessed by the down arrow.


Right click this button. The tracks will now be split at the cursor position.

Now move the red cursor bar (or continue playing the clip) to the end of the section to be deleted.

Right click the split button once more. You will now have two splis in your video with the unwanted section between them.

Right click the section between the splits to select it. It will turn blue.

In the menu that appears select "Delete."

Your selected section will now disappear, leaving a gap in the sequence.

Right click the gap and select "Close gap in track"


The gap will now close leaving the sequence line complete once more.

Repeat for other unwanted sections of the video.


Note: There are other ways to edit a clip but this is probably the most intuative....

i.e Cut the film twice and throw away the middle bit, then stick the film back together again. :)



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