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TWO defective? foot controller(s) in one week!!! HELP


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I have tried two different Infinity IN-USB-2 pedals, both of which do not work well with my foot, which was honed on Dictaphone and Sony equipment. The problem: I stop listening for a few seconds by lifting my foot from the pedal, and then push the middle of the pedal to restart the recording - except it won't start. I move my foot to change the position of my toe on the pad - and nothing happens, even with repeated attempts and various foot positions. Sometimes I can hit the reverse or forward and things will resume, and other times the playback just won't resume regardless of what I do. I have tried holding it in my hand, upside down, right side up, whatever, and it won't restart.


I contacted my seller, AAA Dictation, and now have a second pedal. I am having the same problem with it, and am concerned it is a quality issue. I really like the software and want to continue using this program - but not if the pedals are all like this. Any suggestions for continuing with this product or is there something out there that will work for me?


I am running ExpressScribePro on a Mac os 10.9.1, if this matters.

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When you initially plug in the foot pedals, are you running through the "Controller Setup Wizard", located under Preferences in the Express Scribe application? Below is a link to setting up the AltoEdge Pedal with the Free version of Express Scribe, the same steps apply to the Pro version and the Infinity pedal. You can skip the first part having already installed and registered Express Scribe on your Mac:







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I know you were covering a basic by asking this, but, yes, it was done on both devices.

The setup was also verified when I contacted AAA Dictation.


I am about ready to send it back and get my money back, so I can find something which will work - two in a row which will not work consistently??? WHY? It is so frustrating! If I were transcribing for a job, this would have been gone a week ago and a new one would be in its place. I am transcribing class notes from lecture and trying to get by with what I have at the moment.

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